What's The Difference?
Structured Family Caregiver (SFC) is a special program for live-in family caregivers who are unable to work due to taking care of a Medicaid member. With SFC, one primary caregiver is selected and only that person can receive stipend payments for taking care of the member. Switching to another family caregiver requires approval from the Case Manager and the SFC provider agency.
Family Hire (FH) is when a Medicaid member is approved to receive traditional home care services through CCSP, SOURCE, ICWP, NOW, or COMP. Normally, the personal care services are provided by non-related personal care aides, but with Family Hire, an immediate or extended family member can also be hired to work in the home, as long as that family member has onboarded with the home care provider agency in the same way that any other employee would.
SFC caregivers are not allowed to have a job or business, whereas FH caregivers can. SFC caregivers must live in the same home, but Family Hire caregivers do not have to live in the same home.
FH caregivers are just one of potentially multiple paid caregivers working in the home, whereas SFC can only have one paid primary caregiver at a time.